2008年10月20日 星期一

My University Life

In March, 2008 I took a writing examination and oral examination in providence University. Then I got the entrance to study here. In September, I came here with excitement. It is the first time I leave home, leave Taipei. Everything is new, fresh and interesting. Now, I have come here for one month. I can gradually accommodate the life here.

One of the reasons why I chose to come Providence University is because the English Department of Providence is very famous. I had determined to major in English when I was in junior high. The other reason is that I want to leave Taipei. Most of the people want to stay in Taipei, but I want more freedom. I want to be independent. Therefore, I convince my father to let me come here for one week. Though the life without parents seems to be difficult, I think I can overcome it.

The life in university is very different from before. We need to change classroom for different class, but In senior high we just stay in our own classroom. The assignments are also different. It require individual thinking, the answers are not on text books. Most of all, we should schedule our time well and take balance between school works and extracurricular activities. I also need to learn how to take care of myself. Living outside is not as convenient as at home. Nobody will wash my clothes and nobody will prepare meals for me. I must do it all by myself. But it is a good chance to grow up, to be independence.

4 則留言:

Vickey 提到...

woow! Mickey mouse!!!
I like this article.

Vickey 提到...

ohhhhh! By the way!! This is 任婕!!XD

orange 提到...

Hey, I am Ashley or Ya-rong Chen.

You did a good job in your blog.
ha ha
Your blog is so red.

sabrina 提到...

I really like your topics especially "My University Life." I like the third paragraph. I have the same idea too.